Ace Wrecking Company logo

N5Z 3M4

 phone: (519) 671-1251
      fax: (519) 663-0024

Yard Hours

April - December
Saturday: 9am - noon

or by appointment

Ace Wrecking is London Ontario's most experienced demolition and reclamation company. Serving the London market for more than forty years, Ace has helped to change the architectural landscape of the city through its demolition of residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.


Ace Wrecking offers a wide range of services from interior stripping to complete demolition of buildings. Ace specializes in dismantling structures with a goal of saving and salvaging architectural treasures and all types of building materials. We consider ourselves true recyclers, always working in a safe and courteous manner.

Used Building Materials      (Inventory Products)

Ace Wrecking is an environmentally conscious company, recycling, reclaiming and reselling all types of used building materials. We salvage architecturally significant items such as corbels, pillars, newel posts, spindles, entranceways, grates, and clawfoot tubs. We also reclaim bricks, lumber, doors, windows, steel, and many other items.

Previously completed projects include many for London's largest developers, educational institutions, industrial giants and insurance companies. Ace has worked for all of the hospitals and for the City of London on numerous occasions. From garages to 300,00 square foot factories we have demolished them all.